menmei2009-12-16 05:40:47
I'm in Mexico vacation. I forgot to bring Green Card, only bring Canadian passport.
Can someone suggest what to do?

Thanks a lot!
石维2009-12-16 14:18:50
回复:what to do? Canadian citizen forgets to carry US green card.
8632112009-12-16 14:37:33
回复:what to do? Canadian citizen forgets to carry US green card.
mdq1002009-12-16 17:26:34
This is interesting, GC automatically expired, any link?
mdq1002009-12-16 17:27:41
thanks for sharing
yeeha2009-12-16 18:12:44
回复:what to do? Canadian citizen forgets to carry US green card.
8632112009-12-16 19:37:38
回复:This is interesting, GC automatically expired, any link?
menmei2009-12-17 05:59:39
回复:回复:what to do? Canadian citizen forgets to carry US green car
menmei2009-12-17 06:02:12
thanks for sharing. Sounds it is a reasonable way.