EB1A, 今天收到485的RFE,要求补employment letter 。 这个我早就猜到了,因为我交485的时候的确没有交这个,因为当时认为EB1A 不是employment-based petition。
但是看了RFE 的内容,有点晕了,好像要求证明我的position是permanent,最后还说“ the letter must also indicate whether the terms and conditions of employment-based visa petition (or labor certification) continue to exist" 我怀疑是不是把我当成 EB1B 来处理了。我现在是postdoc,肯定不是permnent position。
下面是RFE的具体内容,大家帮我解读一下,不知道大家的485 RFE 有没有碰到这种问题,能否贡献一下你们是怎么处理这个问题的。先谢了
"The letter of support submitted by Prof .*** of *** department is merely that, a support letter. It does not meet the requirements of an employment letter from a offical authorized to verify continuted employment at *** University, nor does it estabish that your continue to be engaged in your field of extrodinary. (这段话很易理解,因为我没有交这个employment letter,她只看到我postdoc老板给我写的推荐信 (140)。
"You must submit a currently dated letter from you intended permnent employer, describing your present job duties and position in the organization , your proffered position (if different from your current one), the date you began employment and the offered salary or wage. This letter should be in the orginal and signed by an excutive or officer of the organization who is authorized to make or confrim an offer of pernment employment. The letter must also indicate whether the terms and conditions of employment-based visa petition (or labor certification) continue to exist. (最后两句话好像我把我当EB1B了)
另外,不知道最近发的文章 和payment check 可不可以作为辅助的证据,来证明我还会从事我这个领域,虽然好像VO只要letter。