nanjifeng2010-04-03 02:00:53
3/17/2010 my Eb1a 485 was approved. then the lawyer decided to relink my kid's already filed 485(Eb2) based on her mom to my Eb1a instead of filing the 2nd 485.

I did not call USCIS at all. But my lawyer directly sent the relinking request to the senator for help in 3/25/2010.

To my surprise, tonight got the text message and got from online that my kid's 485 was relinked successfully and the card was ordered!!!!

haa i thought to call USCIS next week. so quick and luck!!!

good luck to you all
拖拉机手2010-04-03 02:53:28
nanjifeng2010-04-03 04:15:18