我是 H-4,07年申请485,仍在pending中。我两次回国都申请AP.去年5月我回国 呆了10个月,前几天我赶在AP过期之前回美国,入关时海关官员认真看了AP,总算顺利入关,没有盘问我为何在国外呆那么久。因为国内家中有困难,我打算六月初再回国,今天打算第三次申请AP,却突然有很大疑惑,觉得自己好像根本没有必要申请Ap。因为刚才读了instruction,第一页上写着:you do not need to apply Ap if both condition described below in A and B are met:A.……H-4,spouse of H1. B.form-485, applicaiotn to register permanent residence or adjust status was files on your behalf and is pending with USCIS.
However,upon returning to US,you must present your valid H nonimmigrant visa and continue to remain elegible for the status.