xiaoxiaoren2010-04-09 16:45:50
If there is a 4-month gap between my opt expiration date and a new job offer, what can I do to fill in the gap? My OPT expires the end of May.
Please give me some ideas on how to fill in the gap?
pjiang2010-04-09 17:06:47
The answer is "No" if - 回复:急问,求助863211, Pjiang and other expert
8632112010-04-09 18:16:23
回复:急问,求助863211, Pjiang and other experts about my urgent problem
8632112010-04-09 18:27:26
You have 60 day grace period after OPT expired.
xiaoxiaoren2010-04-09 22:26:31
回复:You have 60 day grace period after OPT expired.
8632112010-04-10 00:46:14
回复:回复:You have 60 day grace period after OPT expired.