qq7274562010-04-27 15:26:14
皮匠,863211 经过漫长的等待和你们的帮助,在此向你们深表谢意,并问824问题一个。我于2007年7于递了基于我EB3,485和我老婆的485,并递了远在中国的女儿的824。 去年由于我老婆的EB1B批准,她获得了绿卡。于去年8月份我又为我以来美国的女儿递了基于我老婆EB1B的485。 我女儿于今年2月份也拿到了绿卡。 关于relink和refile的事情,我多次请教了皮匠和863211, 并听从皮匠的劝告等到了relink成功并拿到了卡, 同时为我女儿申请的824也得到了批准(网上依然是“review”,却收到了了approval notice)。现在我女儿已经拿到了绿卡,我不知道怎么处理824。(I checked the copy of I-824. There are not any information about my daughter. I picked up 824 part2 C. My 824 approval notice show they have notified the consulate (GUANGZHOU) listed above that applicant’s status has been adjusted to that of a lawful permanent resident).
1.是打电话给移民局withdraw掉 824 ?
2.还是不管它824了?I attached a letter(told cis this 824 for my daughter) and my daughter’s birth certificate in the 824 file. The cis will understand I don’t need this 824.Because my daughter already got her green card.
3. 如果写信给CIS withdraw掉以批准的824, 会对我和我女儿以拿到手的绿卡有影响吗?
pjiang2010-04-27 15:55:45
Do nothing, or write to address on NVC notice - 回复:收到卡了,在此向皮匠,86
qq7274562010-04-27 16:12:31
回复:Do nothing, or write to address on NVC notice - 回复:收到卡了,在此向皮匠
interfile4852010-04-28 00:00:16
回复:Do nothing, or write to address on NVC notice - 回复:收到卡了,在此向皮匠
interfile4852010-04-28 00:03:48
qq7274562010-04-28 21:23:19