tracey_ying2010-05-14 06:38:51
去年10月毕业后, 一家公司给办了h1b。 今年4月跳槽到一家新公司。 新公司给办了h1b transfer, 三月底的时候拿到的approval notice. 昨天, 突然收到uscis的email, 说是我以前那家公司给办的h1b case reopen for consideration. 我去问了现在公司的律师,律师也不知道是怎么回事。她说最坏的打算是再申请h1b, 但是我要回国去激活。 我有去问了以前雇主的人事部门,他们说他们已经 revoke了我的h1b。 其他的他们也不知道。 请问一下是不是我的h1b 身份有风险了, 该怎么办呢? 万分感谢!

Application Type: I129 , PETITION FOR A NONIMMIGRANT WORKER Current Status: Case reopened or reconsidered based on USCIS determination, and the case is now pending. We reopened this I129 PETITION FOR A NONIMMIGRANT WORKER on May 11, 2010, and are now reviewing our earlier decision. We also mailed you a notice describing the next steps in the process. Please follow any instructions on this notice. Our review should be completed within 30 days. We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you.
pjiang2010-05-14 14:04:20
You're fine - 回复:h1b transfer 好了, 但是前一个case reopen