brandnewjane2010-05-21 16:51:58
Sorry I can't type in chinese.

My current H1B ends on July 31 and new H1B starts on August 7. work for a university. there is a 7 day gap problem.

Question: Do i have to go back to China during the 7 days gap? I know that for other visas, as long as i submitted the application of the new visa, I will be legal in the States. does this apply to H1B?

If I go back to Canada to apply for a H1B visa, can I come back right after I get the visa, or do i have to wait unitl August 7 to come back?

Thanks a lot!
pjiang2010-05-21 16:58:23
Check if I-94 is with your approval notice - 回复:the gap problem