好吃苗条2010-06-09 17:09:01
"On June 8, 2010, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this
customer's new permanent resident status."

6/1 service request
6/2 receive email saying status under review
6/7 fax/email congressman, receive a generic email immediately, haven't
received any update yet so far.
6/9 8:17am receive text message on status update

Good luck to all the pending EB3C and EB2C!
好吃苗条2010-06-09 17:10:41
回复:NSC EB3 5/21/2003 批了!
好吃苗条2010-06-09 17:11:37
再次感谢863211大师解答我之前关于service request status的问题!
EB3_20032010-06-09 17:14:12
mukumuku2010-06-09 17:32:26
Thanks very much for the message. Big congratulations!
临阵磨枪2010-06-09 18:09:52
回复:NSC EB3 5/21/2003 批了!
life1232010-06-09 20:08:19
回复:NSC EB3 5/21/2003 批了!
babamama2010-06-09 22:07:17
恭喜恭喜!! 他们
babamama2010-06-09 22:08:30
回复:恭喜恭喜!! 他们还send txt msg去你的手机?
好吃苗条2010-06-09 22:13:58
回复:回复:恭喜恭喜!! 他们还send txt msg去你的手机?
好吃苗条2010-06-09 22:20:02
You can register for case status update messages
babamama2010-06-10 00:01:35