qiqiapr2010-06-20 02:12:15

I summarized the following outlines that can be used to collect evidence for 140 petition.


* 基本信息/审稿记录/数量--> invitation letter, proof of completion (thank you letter or print review center )
* 期刊数量及档次--> circulations, impact factor and ranking in the field
* (编辑职位?-> editor or editorial board member, 挑选标准,职责,完成或进行工作 à invitation letter or verification letter)
* 审稿人评选标准,对你审稿工作的评价-> a couple of confirmation letter from editors-in-chief, or such comments in the thank-you letter, invitation letter


* · 总体信 息/文章数,第一作者数
* · 期刊排 名-> impact factors, ranking in the field
* · Any most downloaded record-> go to each journal and check
* · Citation? LIST-> Scopus, ISI, Sci-Finder, Google; CITATION MAP-> web of science Research ID; CITATION COMPARISON -> average citation numbers per article in that journal/in that field
* · Feedback?-> reprint request, sample request, method requests
* · 具体应 用评价->Any comments about your work in the citations/in review paper/(media reports)? Even comments about the area you are working? Any citing examples that implemented your results
* · 特邀作者Invited articles?-> invitation letter, guideline for invited review/book chapter showing the importance of such article

//Media reports//:

* · 总体信息->media name, type , circulation, title , authors
* · 不同工作都被报道?-> 强调consistent outstanding
* · 国外报道?->
* · 评价?-> Positive comments in the reports? Any independent expert interviewed by the media to talk about your work/your award?


* · 奖项信息-> the organization? What award for? Criteria /standard? How many out of how many applicants?
* · 确认/推荐 信?-> a letter from the organization? Or who received the awards in the past?


* · 综合以上
* · 发表期刊排名?
* · Any most downloaded record?
* · Citation records? -> Widely cited by different counties? High citing records compared to average number?
* · 具体别 人应用评价?-> Citing examples, sample request, method requests, co-operation request? Did you directly help someone? Someone acknowledge you in their paper?
* · 被邀请写文章?-> invitation letter, guideline for invited review/book chapter showing the importance of such article
* · 被邀请做报告?-> invitation letters, conference info
* · 被媒体、专业期刊报道讨论过?-> any positive comments in the reports
* · 被邀请审稿 ?
* · 推荐信 专家意见?
* · 会员?sigma xi, IEEE, who’s who...
* · 奖励
* · Others
qiqiapr2010-06-20 02:14:40
回复:用来收集证据和写petition letter的提纲 适合EB1