duduli2010-06-25 05:27:35
感谢主,碰上一个很负责的议员,他的助理为了我的EB2 (pd: 10/28/2005, TSC)打了两次电话,第一次被告知case所有的items get check off already, now it is with a "educator"(这是我不懂的一个地方,没好意思问怎么拼,只是听上去是这么个发音).过了两天,这个助理又打电话去TSC follow up,并且要求尽快处理,他告诉我,TSC 会把案子转给adjustxxx officer (这是我另外一个不懂的地方,还是没好意思问怎么拼写)for finall review, however, it will still take 30 days for them to make decision. 有人有相似的经验吗,或者听说过这两种officer,请给说说,等绿卡真是一个难熬的过程,大家要互相支持!
PD111820052010-06-25 15:59:50
回复:10/28/1005 PD still not green yet!
EB3April2010-06-25 17:06:44
回复:10/28/1005 PD still not green yet!
duduli2010-06-25 18:02:13
回复:回复:10/28/1005 PD still not green yet!
duduli2010-06-25 18:38:46
回复:回复:10/28/1005 PD still not green yet!
PD111820052010-06-25 20:30:59
回复:回复:回复:10/28/1005 PD still not green yet!
PD111820052010-06-25 20:35:44
回复:回复:回复:10/28/1005 PD still not green yet!
duduli2010-06-25 20:36:40
how do you check your online LUD?
PD111820052010-06-25 20:51:20
回复:how do you check your online LUD?
ncpga2010-06-26 02:31:15
1005 年等一回。