等啊等啊2010-06-25 23:02:07
EB3/EB2 09/25/2005 - relink EB3/EB2

On June 1st, 2010, PD is current for EB2. I called USCIS custom service on the same day for case status and was told to wait for 45 days for feedback. In a week, I received a letter from USCIS and was told that my case is currently in background check.

I thought the background check should be clear 3 years ago so I called USCIS custom service again and was told that background check is case by case and the process time is uncertain. I am so disappointed at that time and very upset.

Today, surprisedly, I receive a letter from USCIS and was told new card ordered for all family members without receiving any welcome notice.

My experience is that 1) if your PD is current, no matter what, you should call USCIS to send service request 2) don't be too serious about the feedback USCIS sent to you. It is only part of the process and USCIS will never tell you 100% accurate info. So don't be upset no matter what.

One more thing, I did not write letter to senator, did not check the forum or case status every 5 minutes. I do something else for distraction.

Good luck for everyone here. Someday, sooner or later, you will be the one.

You know, I am also the fan of Michael Jackson. The time when I received the letter from USCIS is exactly the same time when Michael Jackson died last year at around 1-2 p.m. on 06/25/2009. What a coincidence!

Thank you!
0509292010-06-25 23:37:08
pd10202010-06-26 00:13:57
congratulations and thanks for sharing.
临阵磨枪2010-06-26 03:07:53
回复:EB2 09/25/2005 更新
Eb3April2010-06-26 15:05:02
回复:EB2 09/25/2005 更新