GC07062010-06-29 01:56:57
EB1A: AD 4/30/2010, TSC
485: PD07/2007, NSC

When I got 140 appove notice, I start the process of relinkage. I try all the methods the website listed. On June 14,the NSC sent to me a letter as showed below:

"I requested the newly approved I-140 petition referenced from the Texas Service Center (TSC). Unfortunately, to date, our office has not received that petition from the TSC. However, since it appears that, based on that petition, visas are now available for the Employment Based I-485 applications referenced, today I forwarded those applications to a supervisory officer for review. Please allow that supervisory officer up to 30 days from today, 6-14-10, to take action on those applications. Please note that since it appears that at this time our office does not have a non-expired FBI Fingerprint Clearance for your or your spouse’s I-485 applications, our office will need to obtain a new FBI Fingerprint Clearance for each of you before adjudicative action can be taken on the I-485 applications."

I decided to wait for a month, while I got a notice from USCIS which said they have transferred my new 140 to NSC for processing on Friday.

I really don't know why they need to transfer my 140 to NSC. Do they need all my information (140 and 485) together for processing?
It is good or bad?
As showed above, do we need to do figer print again?

8632112010-06-29 02:13:43
回复:Pjiang, 863211 please help relink issue
GC07062010-06-29 02:53:12
回复:回复:Pjiang, 863211 please help relink issue
8632112010-06-29 03:07:38
回复:回复:回复:Pjiang, 863211 please help relink issue