前几天我问了:“ 换工作从大学 到 一个 中学, 律师要按 H1B transfer 去办理, 请教各位大侠 transfer 可以吗?”
863211老师回答 “-Yes, but you need to get an H1 quote. You can work for the new employer after you file the transfer, but you need to stop working when the H1 transfer is approved and then, work again on Oct. 1. when the new H1 is effective”.
我的新问题是:从新H1B批准日期(假定早于Oct. 1) 到 Oct. 1, 我的身份有没有问题? 这段时间我算不算失去身份了? 我将从现在工作大学于 August 15 辞职, 同一天到中学去上班。H1B transfer 申请计划于August 9 交上去。