Andi2010-07-26 02:52:42
I searched similar questions, but got confused with all kinds of answers. Your answer is greatly appreciated....

My daughter was born in China, and her birth certificate from the hospital only gave Chinese info for her and the parents' names, nationality, name of facility (the hospital).It is like the hospital answering a bilingual test paper in Chinese :-)

Now I need to include my daughter as dependent in my H-1B application (her H-4): Could you tell me whether I need to attach a copy of English translation? To be translated by myself? Okay to get it notarized in a bank?

8632112010-07-26 03:20:56
回复:Question on 出生证 for my kid born in China:
小东瓜012010-07-26 06:15:13
其实凭借出生证明到当地的公证处办理出生公证, 办出来的公证书都是中英对照的.
Andi2010-07-26 15:28:13
Thanks to both of you! Have a nice day!