dadainnyc2010-08-16 11:26:16
just got laidoff...

my info: current h1b(i94) expires on 8/31/2010, last paystub will be on 9/10/2010.

1. i plan to change to f1 today 8/16/2010. if i find an new job after 8/31/2010 but before f1 approval can my new company file an new h1b or just take a transfer?

3. when can i work for new company after filing new h1b or transfer? immediately or wait for approval?

2. do i need to go outside of us to get i94 for that new h1b or transfer?

3. can i revoke f1 after new h1b or transfer?

4. if can't revoke f1 and f1 gets approved after new h1b or transfer will i be f1 or still h1b?

5. continue with question 4 if i am f1 do i need to file an new h1b again?

this is so complicated......

any comments will be appreciated!!!
8632112010-08-16 14:06:45
dadainnyc2010-08-16 16:44:05
谢谢863211, 麻烦再回答几个问题
8632112010-08-16 16:54:31
回复:谢谢863211, 麻烦再回答几个问题
dadainnyc2010-08-16 17:25:22
getting h1b visa from canada will cancel my pending f1 immediate
8632112010-08-16 17:33:28
dadainnyc2010-08-16 17:51:19
then I will have illegal gap between 8/31/2010 and new h1b?
8632112010-08-16 18:02:10
回复:then I will have illegal gap between 8/31/2010 and new h1b?
8632112010-08-16 18:06:46
回复:回复:then I will have illegal gap between 8/31/2010 and new h1b
dadainnyc2010-08-16 21:24:05
how can I make sure? by sending uscis a letter as approval?