多半杰2010-08-24 14:19:19
拖拉机手2010-08-24 15:06:01
No. But they may be different service centers
多半杰2010-08-24 15:31:09
多谢了. 事情是这样的
usedtobeadoctor2010-08-24 16:04:08
H1B renew 的话 回复:多谢了. 事情是这样的
usedtobeadoctor2010-08-24 16:06:42
回复:H1B renew 的话 回复:多谢了. 事情是这样的
拖拉机手2010-08-24 16:06:57
Good strategy. doable. no 弄巧成拙
拖拉机手2010-08-24 16:08:29
H1B renew is faster and more reliable
usedtobeadoctor2010-08-24 17:28:45
You are not on same boat. 回复:Good strategy. doable. no 弄巧成拙
多半杰2010-08-24 17:50:38
拖拉机手2010-08-25 04:42:18