buzhidaole2010-08-31 18:06:53
Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is×××, working for ××× Inc in Houston, TEXAS, as a ×××. I
got my Ph.D in ×××at the end of 2005 from ×××

I’d like to invite my parent to visit me since I haven’t seen them for a
long time. When I was student, I didn’t have enough financial ability to go
back to visit them. After graduating, I found it is even more difficult due
to the working pressure and the short vacation I have. In fact, this year I
already booked the tickets for my family to go back to see my parents and
parents-in-law. Unfortunately, my son was sick from time to time, and I
found myself (again) not having enough days to go back for a meaningful
visit. Then, I have to cancel my tickets (see attached for the cancelled
tickets). So, I decided to invite my parents to visit me so that we can have
enough time to stay together. I miss my parent very much and hope to have
more time with them. They haven’t seen their grandson yet since he was born
17 months ago. During their stay, I plan to use the remaining vacation days
to show them around and visit the Orlando SeaWorld, Disney World with my 17
month old son.

My father has retired. He has stable pension and a house in my hometown.
They really enjoy their comfortable life there with many friends. They must
come back to China after their visit in Houston because they have the
responsibility to take care of my brother’s two kids. My brother and sister
-in-law are working in a small town in Wenzhou, Zhejing Province. Due to the
local low quality of education system, they leave the two kids to my
parents for much better education. During my parents’stay in Houston, my
sister-in-law will come back to hometown to take care of their kids

I would highly appreciate your generous help for my parents’ visa to come
to USA.

I wish all the best to you and your family.

Sincerely yours,
buzhidaole2010-08-31 18:20:39
回复:大家看看这个给VO的信可行吗? 谢谢
lovelovelove2010-08-31 19:42:49
Travel2Canada2010-09-01 03:41:37