liliaz2010-09-24 19:57:53

My basic information:

If I am going to submit green card application for my sister and her family, what I need to submit right now is:


1. I-130 form with application fee 355

2. Both my and my sister's birth certificate notary and family realtionship notary.

3. my us nationalization certificate and passport

4. just list my brother-in-law and nephew (her hu*****and and son) in the I-130 form, not need anything such as birth ceritificate and marriage license right now.

Could expert Pjiang, 863211 confirm this?

Thank you very much!    


8632112010-09-24 20:37:29
liliaz2010-09-24 20:43:46
Thank you very much! ask one more question?
8632112010-09-25 01:05:04
回复:Thank you very much! ask one more question?
liliaz2010-09-25 01:54:41
Thank you very much! Have a good weekend!