laredo2010-10-06 03:44:14
J18 "Does the alien have the experience as required for the requested job opportunity indicated in H6" , 律师给填的答案是No

然后J20 "Does the alien have the experience in an alternate occupation specified in question H10", 律师给填的答案是Yes

H6 是说这个工作要求本科+5年经验 with the job title as "senior system analyst"
H10 是说 "alternate occupation acceptable".

律师解释为什么J18要回答NO, 是因为那个我没有job title "senior system analyst" 下的5年经验,

所以她在H10里填了一系列的其他job title, 这样就可以说我有5年在这些job title的经验了, 因此J18答案是No, J20答案是yes.

请问这样合理么? 大家的表都是这样填写的么?
