liliaz2010-11-03 03:04:47

My nephew is 6 years old, and got B2 visa and will come to visit me soon. I have already submitted I-130 for his mom (my sister),and I think he can get green card with his mom around 16 years old. If my nephew is staying here illegally with B2 visa for ten years, I was just wondering whether he can get green card after 10 years. Based on your above post, I am quite confused. I think my nephew could get green card with his monther status adjustment. Am I right?


另外,以后若是申请绿卡,小留学生是不满足境内 I-485 的资格的,因为身份违例超过了 180 天,--除非是将来靠公民配偶。


Thank you very much! I am just curious, not trying to let my nephew staying here illeagally :)



pjiang2010-11-03 15:59:49
回复:ask Pjang about yang age stuent, Thank you very much in advan
liliaz2010-11-03 17:15:13
thank you very much!