shmu2010-12-30 23:05:41

Below post from MITBBS website

发信人: NIUNATIONAL (NIU), 信区: EB23
标  题: NIU communications -- visa demand
发信站: BBS (Wed Dec 29 18:27:51 2010, 美东)

NIU have requested Mr. O to implement quarterly spill over.  Here is
response from Mr. O regarding visa demand during Q1 FY2011.

"At this time I don’t have any idea about the date, but the December
bulletin provided estimates for the coming months.  Both the China E2/E3
have exceeded their quarterly limits on the assumption that returns will
bring the level back to the limit.  This is a routine process, and also
limits the potential for erratic forward/backward movement of the cut-off
date.   It would have been a shame to retrogress the December dates because
those allocations would cause the China limits to be exceeded, when it was
expected that November/December returns would bring us back to the required
level, or that could be done over a period of several months."

Regarding EB2-ROW demand:

"The lower annual limits will impact when the decision to provide additional
“otherwise unused” numbers can be made since the worldwide level remains
high because of the “upgrades” and countries must have the chance to
utilize the numbers available under their annual limit."

We will continue to follow up with Mr. O and provide you the update.  Your
suggestion is highly appreciated.

New Immigrants United
PO BOX 382191
Germantown, TN 38183-2191
NIU QQ群:126549713