ner2011-01-30 00:32:00
10年11月29号我给我妈在网上申请延期,30号就把所需的资料寄给vermont service center了。今天收到如下所附信文,请问这仅是个收条吗?我们需要打电话或去Infopass询问status吗?谢谢!
This is in referenc to your corrspondene received. Your request has been noted and included in the record.
For further status inquiries of petition or application filed at this center you may want to utilize our National Customer Servicd center by calling 1-800-375-5283. If you would like to obtain forms, filing instructions, case status or schedule an appointment with your local office, please visit our web site at www. You must use the Infopass Appointment scheduler prior to visiting your local office.
8632112011-01-30 00:58:50
ner2011-01-30 01:08:03