之前收到NIW RFE的时候很纠结,上来请教问题,承蒙863211老师的指点方向,理清头绪之后回复了移民局,结果他们在收到我的补件3天之后就批准了我的140申请。高兴之余我要来谢谢863211老师的帮助。并且当初许了愿说如果通过了要来说说经验,现在还愿来了, 并且祝大家春节愉快,在新年里兔飞猛进!
先简单介绍一下背景, 不强
国内临床医学硕士毕业,发过3篇中文文章。三流美国学校的生物学PH.D., PH.D期间发了7篇文章, 4篇是第一作者.但是IF都不高, 都在4~5 左右或更低.
现在在一所还过得去的大学当博后, 研究的方向和读书期间完全不同. 2年间发了一个第一作者,一个第三作者. 第三作者的那个文章分量稍重一些,一年里有12个引用.第一作者的那篇一般,因为是今年6月才发的, 目前还没有引用.
所有的文章加起来引用有40 次. 没有得奖. 只有AACR 的会员.
可能是我第一次递交140写petition letter的时候太马虎,没有好好把事实陈述清楚,(现在回头再看自己也觉得太乱,没有重点, 很后悔第一次交的时候没有好好对待, 没有直接据我就该庆幸了)。现在看来第一次的petition letter实在是乏善可陈,这里就具体讲讲怎么回复RFE吧。
RFE里只说我之前交的材料满足substantial intrinsic merit这一条
1 national in scope
2. 提交一statement说明the significance of accomplishment
3. past record justifies projection of future benefit to the nation
4. influence in the field
5 我推荐信貌似都是熟人的,不够说明我的national impact
6 貌似我的工作都是TEAM WORK,要求了一些证据证明我个人的CONTRIBUTION,细节的要求是A. grant proposal, B. research project manager 说明我的contribution,以及TEAM里每个主要研究人员的工资水平 C.要我的年度performance evaluation
问题:我是就按照NIW的3条框框一一回答,(这里我不用再论述第一个intrinsic merit,因为已经满足,我就回答后面两条)好呢?
是按照RFE里一问一答的,即使RFE的问题有时候重复,我也会再次强调我的回答,例如 “The details of the facts are states above as “My specific prior achievements justify the projected future benefits” and “My contributions have had a significant impact in my research fields as a whole”. Here I would like to highlight several points. As mentioned above, the results of my studies have proved that…”
1. national in scope
我的目前研究是研究抗癌新药,每年cancer要害多少人, 要花多少钱, balabala…….所以我的研究是national in scope。 我以前的研究和肥胖有关,肥胖也要害人,要花钱,balabala……. 所以我的研究是national in scope。
问题:我需要把以前是研究肥胖的也拿出来说明national in scope吗?还是只要现在的研究就够了?
-Depends on what work you claimed in the NIW I-140. Nromally it is your current research.
2. The national interest of the U.S. would be adversely affected if labor certification were required.
-You need to address/justify that your work is important and urgent, and if you file I-140 using PERM for your immigration petition, that will take longer time for you to get the GC and thus you may have to leave US and thus, it would adversely affect the national interest of US.
2.1 past record justifies projection of future benefit to the nation
问题:对于这点我的理解不是很清楚,我在这里到底是提供什么样的证据?RFE里说我貌似有些idea and method, such method might, at some future date, be beneficial is not sufficient to establish eligibility for NIW.
-You need to address that your past & current achievements/records/abilities indicate that you will more contributions to your work area which is beneficial to the national interests of US.
3 说明我的抗癌药研究是临床试验的基础。我是想用这个为证据说明我的研究对未来有用, 因为毕竟现在还在研究阶段,没有投入临床。所以我的研究都只能是说有potential对未来有影响。现在我要避免这个potential , possible等字眼,只好说我的研究是以后的基础。所以请各位老师分析一下这样是否可行,以及是否可以用来说明past record justifies projection of future benefit to the nation
2.2 My contributions have had a significant impact in my research fields as a whole
1 说明我的文章曾被nature, cell 引用,证明我研究的重要
3.我的研究回答了领域里的一些问题,和支持了一些学者的观点 (一些引用我的文章里有提到)
4.那篇POSTDOC 期间发的第三作者被多篇REVIEW引用,以及被网络媒体报道。这里的弱点是我只是第三作者,会不会给IO带来我只是TEAM WORK 的印象?
-The strategy is fine. If you can ask one of the co-author (e.g. the commucication author/PI) to give you a letter to address your contributions in this project, that will be very helpful.
2.3 I will serve the national interest to a significantly greater degree than others with minimum qualifications
-You need to jsutify that you are much better than the others who has the same/similar background/experience in your area.
1. 我的文章发在小领域里TOP 3 以及TOP 10 的杂志。(因为文章一般,只好细分领域,总算给我找出个TOP 出来)
2. 有些文章的引用率比同年次平均文章引用率要高。
-List some specific data for your answer.
3. 我PHD期间发了7篇文章,而一般PHD的要求只有1篇。这个通过推荐信里的话来说明。
证明The national interest of the U.S. would be adversely affected if labor certification were required这部分我的回答中具体的要点基本上和我上面计划的差不多,highlights如下:
My specific prior achievements justify the projected future benefits.
1. I have extraordinary publication and citation records in the past.
1.1 My outstanding publication record.
1.2 My articles are published in the leading journals in biomedical research field, indicating the vital role of my breakthroughs.
1.3 My publications have been frequently cited by other scientists.
1.4 My select publications have outstanding citation rates.
2. My research work of pre-clinical studies is essential to the development of novel anti-cancer drug and the ongoing planning for a clinical trial.
2.1 The journal which published my research work focuses on the connections between laboratory research and clinical trials.