纷纷扬扬的雪2011-03-11 03:44:52

这条是I am sponsoring the following family members immigrating at the same time or within six months of the principal immigrant named in Part 2 above. Do not include any relative listed on a separate visa petition,注明了Do not include any relative listed on a separate visa petition.我和女儿的130表是分开的 (老师给我回答过了),那么这个地方我和我女儿的864是否都不要填写对方了? 那么后面算household size好像就少了一个人哦. 我有些糊涂了.




8632112011-03-11 04:33:33
回复:虚心求教各位老师, 我老公给我和我女儿各自的I-864中Part3. 9要填吗?