shmu2011-04-15 13:12:48

EB2 India advances 7 weeks - first movement this year

The May Visa Bulletin shows an advance in India EB2 to July 1, 2006.   There are no "regular" EB2 visa numbers left for India - this cutoff date represents an allocation of the "otherwise unused" numbers now available to India.

The State Department advanced the India date "more rapidly than normal, in an attempt to ascertain the amount of 'upgrade' demand in the pipeline,"  and warns that this may result in a surge in demand that will adversely affect future movement in India EB2.

We are still predicting that by the end of the year (September 30, 2011), India and China EB2 will not have passed 2006.

niumowang2011-04-15 19:51:08
回复:Mr.O's predict of EB2-VB at the end of Sept 2011.