coumberland2011-06-10 17:27:42

My case status was in card/document production on July 4, but on July 8, it was moved back to post-decision activity. I do not know why it happens to me like that. Do you have any suggestions about it? Thanks!

eadrenew102011-06-10 18:34:48
Normal process. Nothring to worry. 回复:Ask urgent help from 86321
coumberland2011-06-10 21:46:27
回复:Normal process. Nothring to worry. 回复:Ask urgent help from 86
coumberland2011-06-10 21:47:30
回复:Normal process. Nothring to worry. 回复:Ask urgent help from 86
eadrenew102011-06-11 00:49:56
Nothing you need to do. 回复:回复:Normal process. Nothring to worry.
eadrenew102011-06-11 00:51:45
You may receive your card within about a week. 回复:回复:Normal proc
baywater2011-06-11 01:56:16
回复:Ask urgent help from 863211 and Pjiang
coumberland2011-06-11 04:04:02
回复:You may receive your card within about a week. 回复:回复:Normal p