kaixinbb992011-07-16 17:08:02


为父母一起申请B-2延期,填 i539表,E-Filing, 以我父亲为主申请人,有如下问题,请指教

(1) 如何回答下问:

3. Is this application based on a separate petition or application to give
your spouse, child or parent an extension or change of status?
Yes, filed with this I-539
Yes, filed previously and pending with USCIS.

--应该选No 还是 ‘Yes, filed with this I-539 ’?

如果选‘Yes, filed with this I-539 ’,对下个问题, 是否就该填我母亲的名字:
4 If you answered "Yes' to question 3, give the name of the petitioner or

2。 选国家的时候,有好多个China, people's republic of China-- ** (mainland,
inner, outer, china),是否该选mainland ?

3。 Address In care of 到底填人名还是地址。 父母住在我处,我为父母填表,想让

Thanks a lot!

8632112011-07-16 18:07:47
回复:请教8大师,皮大师 父母B-2 延期几问