luck4022011-11-08 21:30:00

申请人是加拿大公民, 现住加拿大. 最近排期刚到, 准备递交CP, 现按NVC的要求收集civil documents, 我的问题是:

 除了到加拿大皇家骑警开无犯罪记录公证外, 是否还需要在中国时的无犯罪记录公证?


An applicant must obtain a police certificate from the local police authority: if lived in a different country for more than 12 months AND you were 16 years or older at that time.


pjiang2011-11-08 22:10:40
Yes, if you - 回复:CP无犯罪记录公证是否需要中国的公证?
luck4022011-11-08 22:18:49
回复:Yes, if you - 回复:CP无犯罪记录公证是否需要中国的公证?
pjiang2011-11-08 22:30:00
回复:回复:Yes, if you - 回复:CP无犯罪记录公证是否需要中国的公证?
luck4022011-11-09 04:55:06
回复:回复:回复:Yes, if you - 回复:CP无犯罪记录公证是否需要中国的公证?