如果prevailing wage 来自OES, 一下3处该则么填写?本来写的N/A, 被deny了,理由就是这3出inaccuracy or incomplete。
G7 Agency which issued prevailing wage,
G.7a Prevailing wage tracking number (if applicable),
G11b If “OES”, and SWA/NPC did not issue prevailing wage OR “Other” in question 11, specify source § ?
Section G.7: If the employer received a Prevailing Wage Determination (PWD) from the National Prevailing Wage Center (NPWC), enter the name of the issuing Agency in Section G.7. Use this field ONLY where the employer obtained a prevailing wage from the NPC.
Section G.7a: Enter the prevailing wage tracking number assigned by the NPWC. Use this field ONLY where the employer obtained a prevailing wage from the NPWC.
Section G.11b: This field should be used in circumstances where the employer has marked "Other" in section G.11 and the employer did not obtain a prevailing wage from the NPWC. "For example, if the employer obtained a prevailing wage using OES data from the Foreign Labor Certification Data Center Online Wage Library at http://www.flcdatacenter.com, then the words 'OFLC Online Data Center' must be entered in the space provided."