April442011-12-14 18:58:15

我妈妈65 岁。想要申请移民,以后打算申请加州的Medi-Cal。我在网上查到以下内容。如果我妈妈只有自住房,也是可以申请。想请教以下问题,万分感谢。



"find out if you qualify for one of Medi-Cal’s programs, look at your countable asset levels. You may have up to $2,000 in assets as an individual or $3,000 in assets as a couple. Some of your personal assets are not considered when determining whether you qualify for Medi-Cal coverage. For example, assets that do not count are:

  • Your primary home
  • One vehicle
  • Household goods and personal belongings
  • Life-insurance policy with a face value of $1,500 per person
  • Prepaid burial plan (unlimited if irrevocable or up to $1,500 if revocable) and burial plot"