在皮匠大师BLOG“TN 与绿卡申请”中说:“一旦 I-485 牵扯进来,TN 就不能再继续了。此时工作,要么是 H-1B 要么是 EAD.”
-I-824 is for application immigration visa outside US; I-485 is for getting green card inside US. If your child file I-485 within US or you file I-824 for her, your child can be considered to have immigration intent and thus, it may be difficult for her to enter US just using her Canada passport or TN application. So, you may just file your I-485 and then, she may enter US to file her I-485 later after she finishes her study in Canada.
她5月到美国公司实习(CO-OP),可能改成 TN 或其他签证,有何影响?
-Fine if she has not file I-485 or you do not file I-824 for her. She has to file I-485 within US or you file I-824 for her before she turns 21 (CSPA age).
According to 8大师, if I file I-824 for my daughter, it may be difficult for her to enter US just using her Canada passport or TN application. So, we should wait to May 2012.
But after she comes in May 2012, she files I-485 for herself. Per Pijian’s tutorial, she can’t work anymore with TN. EAD is not possible to get issued in one week or one month. H-1B is impossible. However, she must CO-OP that is requirement of her program and lasts for entire one year. She has fixed her CO-OP at US Company.
8大师皮匠大师,我们是否只有一条路可走:I file I-824 and EAD for her right in Jan 2012 to hope that EAD is issued before May 2012? 大师教我,救我们出水深火热。