Apr, 2007的PD,两个月前打电话做了SR, 得到的回信是under review, 要我等6个月后如还未收到任何消息再联系. 前两天又打电话问 Level 2的 OFFICER, 得知 case has been pre-adjudicated, but still under review. 因为是07年大潮的老CASE,恐怕是早就pre-adjudicated, 现正somewhere sleeping,就想试试Congressional Inquiry. 这个LOCAL Congressman's office的工作人员非常热心且高效率, 立马contacted the USCIS, second day I got the following response forwarded from the Congressman's office:
Service records indicate that the processing of this I-485 application has been delayed. A check of our records establishes that the case is not yet ready for decision as it is under an ongoing review.
We cannot move forward on this case at this time. We will make every effort to make a decision on this case as soon as the review is complete. If the applicant does not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 6 months of the date of this letter, please contact us again for updates.
Additionally, I-485 applications are not to be pulled for expedited processing. The applicant may file for travel documents (Form I-131) and work permits (Form I-765) during the time their case is pending. These forms, and their instructions, are available on our website at www.uscis.gov.
2.我觉得我的CASE还没真正在那个officer手中处理, 既然已经pre-adjudicated,真要已在officer手上, 应该很快有个结果. 您如何认为?
3.公司不景气,总想早一天拿到卡, 还有其它什么办法吗? 还有,查询太多是否有副面影响?
这几个月排期大前进, 那些官员们恐怕大部分都去忙着处理新件去了, "喜新厌旧", 常情. 叹息呀!
谢谢老师们, 过来了的前辈们. 周末愉快!