wangli75762012-01-11 01:45:25

Hi: any one has experience of what vaccinations they need to get to pass the medical exam? particularly MMR 麻风腮and Polio 小儿麻痹症, they should have immunity (免疫力) (born in 1948 and 1847), but don't know if they still need to get the shots, kind of expensive. Thanks



8632112012-01-11 02:06:21
回复:Green card medical exam for parents
wangli75762012-01-11 03:07:47
回复:回复:Green card medical exam for parents
8632112012-01-11 03:35:43
回复:回复:回复:Green card medical exam for parents
wangli75762012-01-12 03:01:43
回复:回复:回复:回复:Green card medical exam for parents