dudududu2004-10-31 18:32:19
拿到加拿大的PR以后,大家第一次land on Canada, 如果想马上回美国,都能顺利拿到10 年 multi-entry to USA 的I-94 吗? (如果我在美国的合法身份是F-1 or H1b)

maygetin2004-10-31 20:17:07
no! YOu can get the same as yo
Immcanada2004-10-31 20:45:42
回复:大家第一次land on Canada, 都能拿到multi
fsadfdfddd2004-10-31 20:46:36
回复:no! YOu can get the same as yo
dudududu2004-10-31 22:20:45
回复:大家第一次land on Canada, 都能拿到multi
AppleJ2004-11-01 07:16:46
See mems' answer below
CHina,you2004-11-01 14:46:29
Who said that? Same as in