Zhangjie2012-03-08 18:52:06

2月初递485+765+131,之后陆续收到 receipt notice 和打指纹通知。可是在USCIS网页上一直查不到我的 Case status,几个receipt number试过N多次了。总是提示 ‘Your case can not be found at this time in My Case Status. Please check your receipt number and try again. If you need further assistance, please call the National Customer Service Center at 1.800.375.5283’


拖拉机手2012-03-08 19:08:06
Make sure the case number is entered correctly
Zhangjie2012-03-08 19:43:54
回复:Make sure the case number is entered correctly
Pushabaoyou2012-03-08 20:23:44
回复:收到485 receipt notice快1个月了,但在USCIS网页我查不到 Case status