persistence2004-11-02 19:03:30
Just found that my case was approved by online status check.
I doubt there may be something wrong with VSC, since they received my application on Sep 2 this year (2004). Two months is too short to believe.

EB1-EA, with 30 papers, an award from university.

Hope the VSC server is correct and this news is realiable!

persistence2004-11-02 19:04:47
回复:140 approved in two months VSC
xin2004-11-02 21:11:53
it's realy realy a good news,
persistenc2004-11-02 21:26:53
回复:it's realy realy a good news,
xin2004-11-02 21:36:25
bless you, good luck, friend