coolgur2012-08-13 18:54:22

今天收到USCIS来信RFE(REQUEST FOR EVIDENCE), 要求我和老婆提供出生证明。可是我们明明已经提供了出生证明原件,为什么再要一份?我们应该怎么办,是直接问USCIS呢,还是在国内再办一份出生证明?

RFE 原文如下:
Submit a copy of your birth certificate showing your parentage, which has been registered with the proper civil authority of the country of your birth.

Important: if you submit a document that is not in English, it must be accompanied by a complete English translation. The translator must crtify that he or she is competent to perform the translation and that the translation is accurate. Any English translation MUST be submitted together with a copy of the translated (foreign-language) original.

8 CFR 103.2(b) requires every application to be filed in accordance with the form instructions, which have the force of regulation. The instructions to Form I-485 requires a copy of your foreign birth certificate (or other record of your birth that meets the provisions of secondary evidence found in 8 CFR 103.2(b)(2)) as initial evidence.




8632112012-08-13 21:10:36
coolgur2012-08-13 21:34:27
Thank you so much!