victorD2013-02-25 06:29:45



我是一名美国的technical writer. 我曾经帮助我几个申绿卡中国朋友写推荐信. 很多时候我的朋友只需要提供简历,发表的文章和推荐人的背景我就了一帮他们写出原汁原味的推荐信. 到目前为止,我的朋友对我写的推荐信都很满意, 也都成功绿了. 现在我想用我的写作才能帮助更多的人申请绿卡. 我拥有扎实的基本科学,biotech领域有20年以上的工作经验. 也能够根据你的专业来描绘你的长处优点和特长, 从而提高你的申绿成功机会.我的写作服务分为以下几类:


1.    Proofreading:                                                $20/letter

 2.    Re-writing:                                             $50/letter

3.        Writing from Scratch with Technical Portion Provided:     $75/letter

4.         Writing From Scratch w/no Technical Portion Provided:    $125/letter



Proofread: 通读并校对你的文章,帮你改掉语法和拼写错误,使文章更流畅

Rewrite: 你可以用简单的语言起草你的推荐信。我可以用地道漂亮的文字把你的信件重新写好

Writing from Scratch with Technical Portion Provided你只需要提供你的研究内容的描述,我会起写好其他部分的,并且保证衔接流畅自然

Writing from the scratch with you providing your publication and some of the relevant scientific reviews你只需要提供你科研的文章和review, 我会做好文献调查,并写好信件. (这项服务限于一定科研领域,详细情况请联系我)


欢迎大家和我联系,我的email: victordeaciuc@*****


希望我可以帮助你早日绿起来 :)





Dear Madams and Sirs,


 I am an American technical writer who has a BS degree in Science and 20 years of working experience in Biotechnology/Pharmaceutical Industry. In the past I have helped a couple Chinese friends write their Green Card applications, many of them from scratch, with only publications and the reference’s background provided to me. All of my friends are happy with my writing and have received their green cards. Therefore, I would like to offer my technical writing services to assist you in creating /composing your NIW/Eb1 application document package. I have a good grasp of Science in general and will attempt to understand your area of expertise and present your attributes, talents, and skills in a positive light to the immigration officers that will read your letters. I can provide a variety of writing service as described below:


1.    Proofreading: I will read your documents and make the necessary corrections to improve     language

2.    Re-writing: You provide your initial draft and I will rewrite it in beautiful and flawless English

3.                  Writing from scratch with you providing technical/scientific portion of the document

4.                  Writing from the scratch with you providing your publication and some of the relevant   scientific reviews. (This service may not be available to everyone and applicable to all     disciplines since there might be some limitation in my scientific background (Graduate Level     Mathematics, Physics, etc.). Nevertheless, as a general rule ,I am fully able to comprehend,  summarize, and eloquently describe most scientific subject work and related accomplishments


My service will include the following conveniences:

        I will discuss the letter contents with you and answer any and all questions you might have        about them and the changes necessary by email. In instances where extensive consultation and        modifications are necessary I will discuss same by phone.

        I will make all the changes and modifications you request until you find the letter  acceptable, allowing you to go through several such iterations

        I will provide email delivery/turn around times of no longer than one week, and in some      instances even quicker, unless special arrangements for urgent delivery are discussed

 My fees are as follows (following description scheme above):

 1.    Proofreading:                                                $20/letter

2.    Re-writing:                                             $50/letter

3.        Writing from Scratch with Technical Portion Provided:     $75/letter

4.         Writing From Scratch w/no Technical Portion Provided:    $125/letter

Please feel free to contact me at


