paulwxc2013-05-01 03:15:16

Priority date of NIW: May 9, 2008;
485 Reiceved Date: Jan.10, 2012;
去年10底用 EAD 换了一个公司。 EAD 于今年7月13日到期。在今年3月提交了 EAD RENEW 的申请(RD: March 29, 2013)。

(1)在 EAD Renew 的收据上,有这么一段话:"As a reminder, if you have an underlying Form I-140 that is approved or is still pending, you may request to change employers under INA 204(j) if your Form I-485 Ajustment application has been pending for at least 180 days. In order to do so, you should supplement the Form I-485 record of proceeding with documentation relating to the new job offer that forms the basis of the INA 204j) portability request. For more information on how to request to change employers and what information is requred to supplement the Form I-485, please visit"
请教老师,“supplement the Form I-485 record ...” 是指什么? 我需要马上提供这些补充材料,还是等USCIS寄来RFE再说?

(2)由于我的EAD还有两个多月就要到期了,但是 USCIS 网站上的 I-765 的 processing dates (TSC) 是 November 3, 2012, 也就是说,在我的EAD到期时,很有可能拿不到新的EAD卡了,也就不能再继续工作了。请问老师:有没有什么加急的处理方法? 另外,EAD renew 受到 “supplement the Form I-485 record ...” 的影响吗?


8632112013-05-01 04:24:28
回复:请教 8老师,皮老师: 关于 EAD renew
paulwxc2013-05-02 01:47:33
多谢8老师! 看来只能听天由命了。回复:请教 8老师,皮老师: 关于 EAD renew