runner8882013-05-07 22:52:02



PD April 2, 2008


PD 于本月当前。 前两天给USCIS 打电话问status 今天USCIS Email 告知如下:

We have placed your case on a processing hold because the required security checks remain pending. Until we receive the results of these security checks, we cannot move forward on your case. We require the results of security checks before we make a decision on any pending case.

We cannot predict when we will receive the results of these security checks. Please be assured that we will make every effort to make a decision in your case as soon as the security checks are complete.

我一共filed I-485 两次。 第一次于2012 1月。 后发现移民局把我和另一同名同姓(我只有一个单名)的人搞混,并把他的A#错误地给了我, 令我的case处于停摆多于半年并错过了currentPD。恨! 后来经过和移民局艰苦斗争,我于20128月重新filed I-485 移民局改正错误并且给我们发了EAD。在20127月做了finger-printing.  

看了论坛上的资料(说可以联系FBI congressmansenator什么的。。。同时咨询了公司律师(美国人),说能做的不多,大概只有等。。(岂有此理?)说联系congressmansenator有可能会处理的更慢,因为我们的申请一旦转到congressional inquiry,我的律师就不会有access to it any more…

照理说FBI 已经用了足够长的时间来做security check (从去年1月到现在)。。。来美国愈十年,合法进出美国和中国n次,妻与我是工作本分,勤勉守法,按时纳税之良民。或许只能怪与我同名者太多,更或许其中又不乏作奸犯科之人。。。嗨。。。不知如何是好?恳请 8 老师以及有相似经历人士不吝赐与良策。 A million thanks!

8632112013-05-08 00:12:00
回复:I-485 Security Checks - 恳请 8 老师,帮忙. 急!