Part 1. Information About You - 这部分是填我的个人信息还是原公司的信息呢?如果填公司信息,那Country of Birth, Citizenship, Date of Birth, US Social Security Number 就leave blank 是吗?
Part 2, Reason for Request - 看来看去应该选D (USCIS to send my approved immigrant visa petition to the National Visa Center (NVC). Instruction上说,If you are reuqesting category D or E in Part 2, the application must be completed and signed by the petitioner of the underlying immigrant visa petition. 所以说这个I-824表应该由我在美国的原雇主递交没错吧?
Part 3, Additional Information - 3. Give the follwing information about the principal beneficiary of the original petition or application. 这是填我申请I-140时的地址吗?