Meier2014-02-15 16:04:38
给我妈 延期申请USCIS 要求RFE:
Correspondence-any other correspondence evidence

Regulations require that a visitor for pleasure- must establish that she has a residence abroad which he or she has no intention of abandoning. Please submit a statement providing the physical address of your residence outside of the US…all copies must be clear and legible. If you submit a document in a language other than English, it much be accompanied by a complete work-for-word English translation…

Q1:这是否就是要求提供国内房产证证明?我怎样才能证明我妈的physical address?

现在情况是: 我妈是家庭主妇,现随我哥嫂生活,房产证是我哥的名字。我的这封statement该怎么写?
还有一个情况是: 我妈在圣诞节时不慎摔倒,手腕骨折,现在还在治疗中。 我交所有治疗费用,可以请医院和治疗医生出具证明。
Q2: 现在我提交材料的时候是否也把这个作为延期要求的理由之一一并提交,还是万一被拒之后再重新用这个新的理由申请?

8632112014-02-15 16:43:33
回复:急!请教8老师、PJ老师, 关于B2 RFE 问题?
Meier2014-02-15 18:30:11