ZHH20062014-02-28 21:50:53
发信人: george9900 (小虎), 信区: WashingtonDC
标  题: 限制亚裔入学美国华人在白宫网站发起请愿
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 25 10:57:47 2014, 美东)



> > Subject: 限制亚裔入学美国华人在白宫网站发起请愿
> >
> >  大家好,
> >
> >  西裔民主党籍加州参议员(State
> > Senator)贺南德兹(EdHrnandz)提出一项提案要求限制亚裔入学,提高西裔和非
> > 时间1月30日在参议院(State
> > Senator)投票,27票赞成,9票反对通过。下一步即将提到州众议会投票。此提案
> > Assembly)获得通过,将于今年11月公投,决定是否恢复在加大校园中实行所谓的
> > Action),限制亚裔招生,多招西裔和非裔。一直以来,亚裔学生以成绩优秀著称
> >
> >  2月16日,美国华人在白宫网站发起请愿,表示加州SCA5法案违反了美国宪法第十
> >
> >  http://wh.gov/lUAnb
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> >

rom: Concerned Californians <mail@change.org>
Date: Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 5:07 PM
Subject: Update about 'California State Assembly: Vote NO to SCA 5!' on

Dear petition supporters,
It has been only one week since a few volunteers put up this petition, but
we have already gotten over 45,000 signatures! Unbelievable! When we first
drafted the petition, we wanted to use this petition to keep the pressure
the California Assembly when they discuss this bill. We thought it would
take quite a while to reach 50,000 signatures. However, we may reach the
target (and have to consequentially end this petition) much earlier than
expected. There is still too much to do and too many people to reach out to
to stop SCA 5. As a result, we have decided to increase the signature
to 100,000 for now.
Signing this petition is just the first step. To win the final battle, we
have to keep fighting until the last minute. A few things we would like to
* Some volunteers in Northern California have created a Facebook group to
connect and communicate: https://www.facebook.com/groups/
* A lawyer set up a website ( http://www.no2sca5.org/ ) with professional information about SCA 5 and have suggestions about how to contact your Assemblymembers in an efficient way: snail mails.
* Here is another Vote-No-to-SCA5 Website, www.saynosca5.com with lots of
comments from visitors.
* The 80-20 Initiative sent out a "Call To Action" to stop SCA 5 http://80-20initiative.blogspot.com/2014/02/call-to-action-stop-sca5-first-then.html
* A volunteer created a Facebook page in an effort to stop SCA 5: https://
* A dropbox folder hosting flyers, posters and more related to SCA 5 https:/
* WeiDB provides a dedicated webpage for SCA 5: http://www./o1014.html
* … And definitely many more other efforts we miss here.
Again, please help spread this petition and reach out to people with all
kinds races/gender and/or ethnic backgrounds to win more support!
United we stand!
Volunteers Against SCA 5
Feb. 23th, 2014