redapple20082014-09-11 17:44:12
我申请母亲B2延期, 理由是她需要做牙周病的手术, 还有就是今年查胸部扫描, 发现右胸有 lymph node. 医生就建议半年后超生复查是否有肿瘤. 我雇佣信说我的工资是, 某个工资年薪, , 但是我I-134上写的是W-2 上的数字, 他叫我解释为什么不同. 
He asked from dentist: data of initial consultation, diagnosis, treatment and time, whether ot not this treatment is available in China, whether or not my mom can travel. He asked from primary doctor; date of the initial consultation, diagnosis, acute or chronic, treatement and time. whether or not this treatment is available in China and whether or not my mom can travel. 
my questions: how to responde the two doctor letter? 
Can I explaniend that My Emplyee verification letter only addresses my salary but the number in my I-134 is from last year W-2 number. This is why they are different.
Pls advise.  Thanks. God bless all your family, pls let me know how I should do 
8632112014-09-11 22:04:24
redapple20082014-09-11 23:34:13