我个人的收入够,可是I864好像填的不太对:PART6填了领导的,15 没填,19总收入填的是共同保税的总收入, 交了3年保税单,没交W2和工资单。 被要求补三项材料,可是第一项和第三项好像矛盾(见下)。请问8老师,我需要递交I864A 或I864 让领导共同担保吗,还是补交我的W2和工资单和证明就可以了?
1.The petitioner/sponsor lists their current income on I864 as an amount to be considered as sufficient: however, no evidence has been submitted as proof of current income
..paystub ... letter of employment etc。。
2. Submit all supporting tax document ( W2s, ..etc) sbmitted to the Internal Revenue Service for the most recent tax year
3. Based on the document submitted with Form I864 for the petitioner/spnonser, the income did not meet 125% ( 100% if military) of the poverty guideline for the petitioner/sponser's household size.
Submit Evidence of assets that meet the standards listed below or obtain joint sponsor.....Evidence includes: bank statements, evidence of ownership of stocks,....etc
if you decide to obtain a joint sponsor they will need to : file Form I864, Affidavit of Support, provide copies of tax return ...etc.
我查了i864批, 我的收入是足够5个人(三口加爸妈),可是这第三项让人费解而且和1茅盾,8老师,我需要递交一份老公的I864吗?