sy132102004-11-29 23:39:25
Hi, I am an assitant professor in a US univ. I filed NIW I140/I485 currently 4 months ago. And my lawyer told me there should be no problem to get approved. Can someone tell me if the unvi position can give me some advantage of NIW application? My wife is going to use her EAD card to work. I am afraid if my case gets rejected, she will be out of status. So please share any info you have about NIW application. Thank you.
CACSD2004-11-30 00:22:19
回复:NIW risk? Please share info.
inuniversi2004-11-30 00:43:20
you can try EB1 if you are
sy132102004-11-30 02:07:02
回复:you can try EB1 if you are
nokidding!2004-11-30 03:47:37
you got a wrong lawyer!!!
@qyj2004-11-30 04:28:43
回复:NIW risk? Please share info.
sy132102004-11-30 05:20:46
回复:you got a wrong lawyer!!!
WorkForMe2004-11-30 06:24:10
University HR did all paper
thenwillbe2004-11-30 20:09:06
used H-4,don't triger EAD befo