且活且长2020-04-16 22:00:24

8老师,请教您我这个case 怎么办。

我是研究生时期入的党,是一名学生党员。2002年一毕业就到美国来了,没有跟党组织有过任何联系,没交过党费。2005年申请绿卡的时候,我觉得像我这种情况,应该算自动脱党了,所以绿卡申请问是否党员的时候,我填的是“No”。去年(2019)我申请公民的时候,对问题“Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way associated with the Communist Party?"  我觉得虽然我现在脱党了,但是曾经是的话,应该填”Yes“ 会更准确,更诚实, 所以就填了”Yes“。结果公民面试结束后,2020年3月18日收到通知,说我的公民申请被拒了,因为”Based on the information in the record, and your testimony during your naturalization interview, USCIS finds that you have given false testimony under oath with the intent to obtain an immigration benefit. To be eligible for naturalization, you must demonstrate that, you have been a person of good moral character. You have not established that you are a person of good moral character because, during the statutory period, you gave false testimony to obtain an immigration benefit. Therefore, you are ineligible for naturalization at this time. See INA 101(f)(6) and 316(a)(3) and Title 8, Code of Federal Regulations (8 CFR), sections 316.10 (a) and (b)(2)(vi).“

然后说我可以递交 form N-336 to request a hearing。我网上已经递交了Form N-336。我想请教一下您,我除了递交hearing 的申请,还要准备什么材料吗?现在心里忐忑不安的,吉凶未卜。而且这会进一步影响我的绿卡吗? 我的绿卡今年8月份就要到期了,如果公民不批准,我得renew绿卡了。

谢谢了, 8老师!


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