helloworld20082022-01-29 04:18:49

我母亲在美国一直都是零收入,在填写I-864表格为我弟弟做申请的时候,有一项“I was not required to file a Federal income tax return as my income was below the IRS reuiqred level and I have attached evidence to support this", 我只能在这一项打勾,可是需要递交怎样的材料去证明妈妈零收入, 还是不用递交任何材料。另外补充一下,我是joint sponsor可以提供收入证明。 大家一般如何填写呢?


st.paul2022-01-29 16:45:38
Attach a personal declaration if no other evidence
akc2022-01-29 17:51:08
Yes. Declaration of No Income.
helloworld20082022-01-29 18:36:37
Declaration of No Income就是在Part11AdditionalInformation那里说明是零收入吗?
akc2022-01-29 19:16:20
不是的。Declaration is a separate sheet of paper prepared by the dec
akc2022-01-29 19:17:59
Declarant (你的母亲) attesting the she has no income and doesn’t hav
akc2022-01-29 19:18:44
have to file tax returns.
helloworld20082022-01-29 21:44:37
明白了我去准备一份declaration of no income doc。非常感谢
akc2022-01-29 22:08:14
记住, 正如圣保祿所说attach the Decl to你母亲的Aff of Support.
helloworld20082022-01-30 00:52:03