H1Bnewlaw2004-12-18 05:57:46
get approved. I filed changing status from F1 to H4 on Nov. 9. Now, a company would like to sponsor me for a H1B in the next March 8 according to the newly passed 2005 H1B reform law. My H4 will take 100 to 150 days to get approved. I am a little worried that I may be still in H4 pending status on March 8, 2005.
1. Can I file for H1B before I have my H4 approved? What status?
2. If H1B goes preminum processing, it may even get approved before the H4. If so, is the H1B still valid or will be overwritten by H4?
3. Do I need wait till I receive the H4 receipt and then start to file H1B for safety reason?

Please give your kind advices!! Thanks.
luckywing2004-12-18 20:32:24
回复:which status for H1B before H4
Suggest!!2004-12-18 22:55:00
回复:which status for H1B before H4
H1Bnewla2004-12-20 04:37:00
Thank you very much, suggest!